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Service Oriented Enterprise |
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![]() Friday, February 21, 2003 Service Oriented Language I had a realization. I have been programming services in an object-oriented world - - and it is clunky. I've taken a look at IBM's WSIF, which acts as an abstraction layer across invocation schemes but it too is clunky. I should be able to import a wsdl into my environment and immediately begin making calls to the operation as if it were a regular method call - programmer never knows the difference. I believe that we need a major language upgrade. Note - in order to make this happen we don't need a VM upgrade - just a language upgrade. There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to compile my favorite SOL (Service Oriented Language) to run in a JVM or CLR. Corey Williams recently pointed me at Water, a language that promotes itself as being used for, "Simplified Web Services and XML Programming". I haven't downloaded, but will check it out. Sidenote - how did this make it to version 3.1 and have a book come out without me noticing - I must be getting old. If anyone else runs across SOL's please let me know! Oh yea, the language must actually exist (X# doesn't count). posted by jeff | 9:28 PM Thursday, February 20, 2003 80/20 Rule on Web Services (Free-to-Royalty) Eric Newcomer, the CTO for Iona, recently commented on the intellectual property rights around web services. Although he makes no clear stand, it appears as though he prefers having ALL of the web service standards remain open and free: "The path we take to the future may well depend upon the outcome of the current standoff around intellectual property rights in two key areas: orchestration and reliable messaging. Some of the vendors developing specifications for these areas are raising the question of possibly charging patent or royalty payments for the rights to implement the specifications. The leading standards bodies, and traditional industry practice around software standards to date, tend to favor royalty-free implementations. " He goes on to comment that: "It's ironic that software vendors propose standards in the name of benefiting their customers while still trying to maintain control over the specification adoption and evolution process in support of their own interests. " Personally, I find the idea of blending open standards and royalty-based standards an interesting proposition. I find no irony in helping customers while making money at the same time. I do however find lunacy in giving everything away for free and commoditizing the products. The real question that Eric and friends must answer is are we trying to create a valuable market around web services. If so, the 80-20 rule (free-to-royalty) should be strongly considered. My company is one of the few companies that has an implementation of a BPEL4WS Orchestration Engine . As a technical person, I wish everything could be free and open. As a CEO and businessman, I want to see the royalty in place creating a financial barrier to entry. My compliments to IBM and Microsoft for creating business models that are good for their customers, good for them and good for other ISV's. posted by jeff | 9:06 AM Tuesday, February 18, 2003 Upgraded WebSphere supports BPEL, WS-TX, WS-C! WebSphere Application Server Enterprise, V5 - $25,000 per processor -- available February 21 Developers can build applications with WebSphere's new, integrated workflow engine and tools. They can easily and visually choreograph complex business processes to flexibly integrate J2EE and Web services applications and packaged applications. An automobile manufacturer, for example, can coordinate a complex manufacturing cycle -- order parts, alert the dealership and check consumer credit -- all within a workflow that spans the network. If credit approval fails, an exception can be requested from a loan officer; if denied, the workflow can automatically cancel and neatly accommodate the other steps, such as reassigning parts to another vehicle. IBM WebSphere's workflow engine is based on XML technology that IBM is now working to standardize, in advanced form, with industry partners. This includes BPEL4WS (Business Process Executive Language for Web Services), WS-TX (Web Services Transactions), WS-C (Web Services Coordination) -- all specifications that IBM is helping to develop and drive into standards bodies. http://www-916.ibm.com/press/prnews.nsf/jan/F56124BC7EE0413685256CD000540B0F posted by jeff | 6:24 AM |
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