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![]() Saturday, October 25, 2003 InfoPath to BizTalk I was just browsing an MS slidedeck on Infopath & Biztalk... One slide pretty much summed it up: ![]() See: http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/d/7/8d71c8b0-0a3e-4b7d-a301-ba9c9ccf5a9b/ ebz301%20Woodgate.ppt posted by jeff | 9:41 AM Friday, October 24, 2003 IT Doesn't Matter - Smith & Fingar I look forward to reading this one. I really enjoyed his last work. ![]() A new book by Howard Smith and Peter Fingar From the authors of the bestselling Business Process Management: The Third Wave, read Howard Smith and Peter Fingar's critical analysis of Nicholas Carr's infamous IT article in the Harvard Business Review. Smith and Fingar have been busy expanding on the BPM breakthrough through a number of articles and this new book. What prompted the book was an article in the Harvard Business Review in May that triggered a flurry of debate in business and high-tech circles, and even some calls from Harvard's business school to sever its links to the venerable Business Review. The sensationally titled article, "IT Doesn't Matter," declared that information technology has matured to the point where it no longer gives companies competitive advantages. Now comes the in-depth monograph that debunks the underlying assumptions and conclusions of the article. A Washington Post feature provides an apt summary of the new book, "In IT Doesn't Matter-- Business Processes Do," Smith and Fingar, draw the opposite conclusion: "The strategic importance of IT is actually increasing as the recent 'business process rEvolution' allows companies to innovate the way they do business." As you pursue your work and spread the word about BPM to your current and future business customers, you'll no doubt be confronted with the IT doesn't matter way of thinking--but now you you have a concise resource to explain how value is linked to IT by basing IT on BPM principles. posted by jeff | 9:39 AM Thursday, October 23, 2003 Commerce One: All Hands Meeting Commerce One, developer of a 'composite process management' solution has been facing difficult times. I've been told that their 'all-hands-meeting' this week was not favorable. They have laid off just about everyone and are keeping a skeleton crew around to service existing customers. Best of luck to those who fought the good fight at Commerce One. posted by jeff | 5:26 PM Wednesday, October 22, 2003 WS-* Extensions for Axis?? Does anyone know if the WS-* extensions have been written for Apache Axis, or are in process? I've been thinking about kicking off a sourceforge project to start knocking them out. I don't want to duplicate efforts if someone else is already working on them though... send info to: jschneider @ momentumsoftware.com thx. jeff posted by jeff | 6:13 PM Borland Exec Reads McKinsey Report...I'm packing my things Here's a great quote from news.com: "And because the aging baby boomer generation is nearing retirement, the United States may be headed for another work force shortage, said William Miller, professor emeritus at Stanford University and chairman of Borland Software. In the meantime, displaced IT workers should get training and be willing to relocate to find new jobs, he said. " - Now there is an individual really thinking on his own! Here's another interesting one: "People have to be prepared to move," Miller said. "That will be one of the requirements of the work force in the future; people must be willing to move where the jobs are." - Does this mean I will have to move to India? Moving to India will be a blast. I could go bike riding with all of my other American software associates. I can't wait!!! My only concern is that all of the jobs in India get moved to China. But surely, India has an aging baby booming problem too... perhaps I could take care of their elderly. posted by jeff | 1:20 AM Monday, October 20, 2003 Conference sells out When is the last time that you remember a software conference selling out? They are turning people away... posted by jeff | 6:35 AM Sunday, October 19, 2003 Radovan has something up his sleeve... Ok, Ok, I give... what is it? http://radovanjanecek.net/blog/archives/000026.html posted by jeff | 7:29 PM Where did "service fabric' come from? I recently had someone tell me that when 'graham glass invented service fabric...blah, blah, blah...", to which I commented... you know, I don't know who invented the term 'service fabric', but Microsoft has been using it for a while now... ---- from DevX --- *a few years ago* In the following paragraph from the same HailStorm announcement, Mark Lucovsky, HailStorm's primary architect of HailStorm, explains the architectural structure for developers: We have a thing that we're calling the "service fabric," which is the glue that holds [HailStorm], that makes this system possible. It's a common infrastructure that we've built that all these services to run under. It's a common way to name the services. It's a common way to think about the services. It's a common set of interfaces that if you're writing a HailStorm service, that service must expose in order to have uniform query across all the different services, to have uniform data manipulation. So if I want to add a chunk of XML to a service, I don't have to learn a new way [to do it] for Calendar versus an Address Book. It's the same add method. The data might be different. The schema for that particular service might be different, but the programming model and the service fabric and the glue that holds it all together is uniform. anyone? surely one of you dinosaurs will tell me that Iona invented it, or it was an MPI term or some shit like that... :-) posted by jeff | 6:27 PM Top 10 Reasons Why the UBR Sucks... I thought I'd do a top ten list on the UBR - but first, I am reaching out to you... send me your thoughts on why the UBR sucks (or doesn't)... jschneider @ momentumsoftware.com 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. I'll publish the results in a couple of weeks. posted by jeff | 6:21 PM Netscape 7.1 - So far, so good About three years ago, I switched from Netscape to MS IE. I felt guilty when I did this. To rid my guilt, I have been downloading Netscape about every 6 months waiting for a version that 'works'. Well, I have to admit that Netscape 7.1 might just be the version I've been waiting for... http://channels.netscape.com/ns/browsers/download.jsp posted by jeff | 11:13 AM |
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